1.130″ – 1.140″ Crown Gauge | Stainless Steel


The Terriss 1.130″ – 1.140″ Crown Gauge (PN: T-14-115) is a gauge that is used to check the crimping of steel crowns on bottles after the filling operation for both regular and intermediate crowns.

1.130″ – 1.140″ Crown Gauge | Stainless Steel


The Terriss 1.130″ – 1.140″ Crown Gauge (PN: T-14-115) is a gauge that is used to check the crimping of steel crowns on bottles after the filling operation for both regular and intermediate crowns.

Sometimes referred to as crimp gauges, they are made of stainless steel and compact for easy storage/portability. There are different sizes available to test multiple crimp diameters and can also be used on different types of bottles. Specifically, these gauges determine the crimp diameter after the crown is applies during the bottling process, and a proper crimp is required to prevent bottles from leaking or becoming contaminated.

These simple, handheld tools are ideal for craft and home brewers, as well as for professional bottling. The gauges are great for quality control and can prevent carbonation leaks/spills by assuring packaged bottles containing product have a proper seal between the crown portion of the cap and the bottle closure during packaging. Using these crown gauges properly assures a true seal during the packaging process and prevents the possibility of spoilage via microorganisms that can enter the product after bottling.


  • PN: T-14-115
  • Hole Dimensions (Inches): 1.130″, 1.150″, 1.125″, 1.140″
  • Tolerance: ±.001″
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Can be custom to given requirements
Terriss Related Products
  • T-14-117 | Crown Gauge, 1.048″ – 1.40″
  • T-14-119 | Crown Gauge, 1.120″ – 1.135″
  • T-18-110 | Bottle Crowner, Light Duty
  • T-18-115 | Bottle Crowner, Heavy Duty
  • T-18-116 | Bottle Crowner Handle Gear Replacement
  • T-18-117 | Steel Crowns, 100/Bag

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Stainless Steel Crown Gauge1.130″ – 1.140″ Crown Gauge | Stainless Steel